  1. 1. Said the true shape of the electron orbit.
  2. 5. He said that there is no two electrons in the same atom can have the same values for the four quantum numbers.
  3. 6. The highest point of a wave.
  4. 10. They are at the left side of the periodic table.
  5. 11. Consists of positively charged nucleus at the center , surrounded by electrons in constant motion.
  6. 12. Simplest substance which cannot be broken down by simpler components by chemicals.
  7. 13. For coin and jewelries.
  8. 16. True shape of the electron orbit.
  9. 18. The study of matter, composition and properties.
  10. 21. Magnitude
  11. 22. It is the hotness and coldness of an object.
  12. 25. The lowest energy level.
  13. 26. Anything that has space and mass.
  14. 28. The salt formers.
  15. 29. He is the first one who invented thermometer.
  16. 30. Negatively charged particles.
  1. 2. Electrons in constant motion.
  2. 3. Other word for orbital quantum noumber.
  3. 4. The universal solvent.
  4. 7. Broglie Said that all matter exhibits wave property.
  5. 8. Amount or quantity of matter in a body.
  6. 9. The ratio of a substance to a density of water.
  7. 10. It is used in sciences, chemistry, and physics.
  8. 11. The smallest exact value taken directly from the device.
  9. 14. It can behave like acid or base.
  10. 15. Mass of a substance per unit volume.
  11. 17. It is the smallest estimated value directly from the device.
  12. 19. Building block of nucleus and proton.
  13. 20. The temperature in English system.
  14. 23. Orbital in dumbell shape.
  15. 24. An element with an atomic number of five.
  16. 27. The only atomic particle involved in a chemical reaction.