Chemical Changes

  1. 3. A chemical change is a change that occurs when the particles that make up two or more substances are _____ to form a new substance.
  2. 5. Chemical changes often make matter change _____, like the blackened remains of a match.
  3. 9. A burning match gives off light, smoke, and heat. All of these things are evidence that when we look at a burning match, we are looking at a _____.
  1. 1. When mixing things together makes a whole new substance it is called a _____.
  2. 2. Unlike mixtures, chemical changes usually can’t be ____.
  3. 4. Data that support or dispute a scientific idea.
  4. 6. Sometimes chemical changes make _____, release light, release gasses, or give off/take in heat.
  5. 7. The science of different kinds of matter, and how that matter can change.
  6. 8. Both chemistry and baking result in the formation of a _____.