  1. 4. Notation – method of writing really large or really small numbers in a more concise form
  2. 10. – chemical laboratory process used to separate mixtures
  3. 14. - a substance's ability to deform under pressure
  4. 15. – the process where a mixture is separated through spinning
  5. 16. – the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. Biochemical processes give rise to the complexity of life
  6. 19. – a property of matter that changes as the amount of matter changes
  7. 20. – a mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble or soluble particles is suspended throughout another substance
  8. 22. – the measure of the ease at which an electric charge or heat can pass through a material
  9. 23. – the process by which a substance changes from the solid phase to the liquid phase
  10. 24. – the study of macroscopic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems
  11. 25. – deals with synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds
  12. 29. – the unit of measurement for amount of substance in the International System of Units
  13. 30. – a property referring to the ability for a given substance, the solute, to dissolve in a solvent
  14. 33. – the form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external surface
  15. 34. – the state of being stable
  16. 36. – refers to how close two or more measurements are to each other
  17. 38. – the degree to which a chemical substance or a particular mixture of substances can damage an organism
  18. 39. – the basic unit of length in the SI system of units
  19. 40. – refers to the phase transition in which matter changes state from a solid immediately into a gas
  20. 43. – a measure of distance
  21. 44. – a measure of mass per volume
  22. 45. – special type of homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances
  23. 46. substance – a material that has a constant composition
  24. 48. – a chemical substance composed of many identical molecules composed of atoms from more than one element held together by chemical bonds
  25. 49. – the technique of heating a liquid to create vapor which is collected when cooled separate from the original liquid
  1. 1. – he base unit of time in the International System of Units
  2. 2. – a coherent, typically large body of matter with no definite shape
  3. 3. – a property of matter that does not change as the amount of matter changes
  4. 5. – method by which a mixture is separated by distributing its components between two phases
  5. 6. – a substance that cannot be broken down by chemical means
  6. 7. – the tendency of a substance to undergo chemical reaction, either by itself or with other materials, and to release energy
  7. 8. – has uniform composition and properties throughout
  8. 9. – a material made up of two or more different substances which are physically combined
  9. 11. – refers to how close a measurement is to its standard or known value
  10. 12. – one which has a non-uniform composition
  11. 13. – is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds
  12. 17. figures – any non-zero digits or trapped zeros
  13. 18. – the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons
  14. 21. – basic unit of mass in the metric system
  15. 26. – a measure of how easily a substance bursts into flame, through fire or combustion
  16. 27. – he SI unit for temperature
  17. 28. – the process by which molecules undergo a spontaneous transition from the liquid phase to the gas phase
  18. 31. – a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface
  19. 32. – the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction
  20. 35. – separates solid matter and fluid from a mixture with a filter medium that has a complex structure through which only the fluid can pass
  21. 37. – a heterogeneous mixture that contains solid particles sufficiently large for sedimentation
  22. 41. – Unit of electrical current
  23. 42. – the amount of space that a substance or object occupies
  24. 47. – studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate, identify, and quantify matter
  25. 48. – the SI base unit of luminous intensity