Promoting Health

  1. 5. The study of matter and the changes that matter can undergo when it is subject to different environments and conditions.
  2. 6. _____________ chemists capture and analyze the physical evidence left behind at a crime scene to help determine the identities of the people involved.
  3. 7. This element is considered essential to life.
  4. 8. ___________ chemistry studies the chemical compounds in inorganic, or non-living things such as minerals and metals.
  5. 12. ___________ chemistry deals with chemical compounds that contain carbon.
  6. 14. __________ __________ and process engineers devise new ways to make the manufacturing of their products easier and more cost effective.
  7. 15. Chemistry is typically considered a physical science because the study of chemistry does not involve __________ things.
  8. 16. ____________ chemists study how chemicals interact with the natural environment, characterizing the chemicals and chemical reactions present in the soil, water and air.
  9. 18. ___________ chemistry uses concepts from physics to understand how chemistry works.
  10. 19. ___________ uses chemistry techniques to understand how biological systems work at a chemical level.
  1. 1. The combination of one carbon atom connected to two oxygen atoms.
  2. 2. Anything that has mass and takes up space
  3. 3. The list of elements that scientists have discovered so far.
  4. 4. When chemical elements bond together. Example would be carbon dioxide.
  5. 7. The main building blocks in chemistry, which are substances made of a single atom.
  6. 9. ___________ chemistry involves the analysis of chemicals, and includes qualitative methods, as well as quantitative methods.
  7. 10. A non-profit science organization for the advancement of chemistry, chartered by the U.S. Congress.
  8. 11. In industry, chemists in research and development use scientific knowledge to develop or improve a specific ___________ or process.
  9. 13. Manmade chemical element
  10. 17. Each chemical is unique, composed of a set number of protons, neutrons and __________.