
  1. 3. pH at 1
  2. 5. electrically charged atom
  3. 7. atomic number 2
  4. 8. H2O2
  5. 12. year when the periodic table of elements got discovered
  6. 16. with no charge
  7. 17. negatively charged
  1. 1. CO
  2. 2. who discovered the periodic table
  3. 4. earth is 47%___.
  4. 6. Ten down, 16 across and 17 across for example. (but for their questions)
  5. 9. CO2
  6. 10. positively charged
  7. 11. the thing that electrons orbit on
  8. 13. Periodic Table of___.
  9. 14. center of an atom
  10. 15. H2O