Chemistry and the Human Body

  1. 3. negative particle in an atom
  2. 5. air is an example of a...
  3. 8. type of digestion the teeth does
  4. 9. this element has the electron arrangement of 2,1
  5. 10. the gas we need to inhale
  6. 11. symbol for calcium
  7. 12. dietary requirement broken down into amino acids
  8. 14. element symbol N
  9. 16. system functions to protect against infection
  10. 19. acronym for the life processes
  11. 21. a charged particle
  12. 22. main organ of the nervous system
  13. 23. main organ of the respiratory system
  14. 25. the number of organ systems in the human body
  1. 1. removal of waste from the body
  2. 2. system that moves blood around the body
  3. 4. process of using glucose to make energy
  4. 6. two or more different elements chemically bonded
  5. 7. type of digestion using chemicals and enzymes
  6. 13. when an element loses electrons it becomes..
  7. 15. element found in red blood cells
  8. 17. symbol for lead
  9. 18. the gas we exhale as a waste product
  10. 20. main organ in the integumentary system
  11. 24. the building blocks of life