Chemistry Class Syllabus Scavenger Hunt

  1. 5. The third item on the Course Materials List
  2. 12. the amount of points taken off per each day an assignment is late
  3. 13. Graded based on class engagement, do-nows, and classwork
  4. 14. True or False: Retakes are allowed and will happen
  5. 15. If you place your phone into your numbered pocket, you can earn _____ points
  6. 16. You will be signing a lab _____ contract and taking a lab ____ quiz in order to prepare for experiments and
  7. 18. If you get below this on an exam or quiz you are allowed to retake it
  8. 21. How often you will have quizzes
  1. 1. _____ hours are time after school to ask the teacher about any confusing topics or assignments
  2. 2. You have to get this syllabus ______ by your guardian and turn it back in to your teacher
  3. 3. Your teacher's name
  4. 4. The kind of notebook you need for lab reports
  5. 6. Students must be _______ and completing the do now when the bell rings and class begins
  6. 7. _____ Should not be out during class
  7. 8. If you are absent due to a school function you are expected to get your assignments _____ to your leave and complete by original due date
  8. 9. The unit covering Chemical Reactions and Quantities and & Nuclear Processes
  9. 10. True or False: To retake a test or quiz you do not need to come to office hours
  10. 11. The science prerequisite for chemistry
  11. 17. Homework is to be turned in during the first _____ minutes of class
  12. 19. _____ Is graded on a scale of 0-4 and effort will be required
  13. 20. Exams and lab reports both affect ____ grades