Chemistry Crossword

  1. 4. the state of matter when the molecules have the most kinetic energy and move freely
  2. 7. a __________ change occurs when a new substance is formed
  3. 10. a __________ property that describes how a substance reacts when it meets something
  4. 11. the law of conservation of ________ says that matter can't be created or destroyed
  5. 12. a positively charged unit of matter
  6. 14. a negatively charged unit of matter
  1. 1. a __________ change occurs when no new substance is formed
  2. 2. a _________ property that describes how a substance looks, feels, tastes, etc.
  3. 3. the center of an atom
  4. 5. where the electrons orbit around an atom
  5. 6. the state of matter when the molecules move fluidly
  6. 8. the smallest unit of matter
  7. 9. a neutrally charged unit of matter
  8. 13. the state of matter when all of the molecules are tightly packed together