Chemistry Day 3

  1. 3. Physical property of solutions
  2. 8. Can exist in a variety of solid structural forms
  3. 10. Can be used to purify solvents such as water
  4. 12. Expressed as moles of solute in 1 liter
  5. 13. Solution containing exactly the maximum amount of a solute
  6. 14. No change in properties can be detected throughout a sample
  7. 17. Behavior has qualities of both a gas and a liquid
  8. 18. Middle of the states of matter
  1. 1. Formed when a solute dissolves in a solvent
  2. 2. Cave formations
  3. 4. Ions present in solution form an insoluble substance
  4. 5. Can explain processes of melting, freezing, condensing, vaporization, sublimation, and deposition
  5. 6. Relative amounts of solute and solvent present
  6. 7. Credited with the discovery of carbon dioxide
  7. 9. Substance with solid crystals
  8. 11. A general rule is “like dissolves like”
  9. 15. Have highly ordered structures
  10. 16. Formulated specific rules to explain colligative properties