Chemistry Fall Review

  1. 2. Found on the periodic table and cannot be separated out to a more pure form.
  2. 4. A group of elements with the same number of valence electrons, and similar characterics including reactivity.
  3. 10. Family with 3 valence electrons.
  4. 11. Type of physical property that does not depend on the amount of mass of a substance.
  5. 15. Discovered the modern periodic table.
  6. 16. An amount equal to 6.02 x 10^23.
  7. 17. Type of mixture that cannot be easily separated such as Kool-aid, generally a solution.
  8. 19. Family with an oxidation number of -3.
  9. 20. Type of physical property that depends on the amount of mass of a substance.
  10. 21. Good conductor of heat and electricity, malleable, shiny.
  11. 24. Your current science class.
  12. 25. Mass is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes forms. Basis for the chemical reaction--what goes in must come out (5 words).
  13. 29. Has an atomic mass of 12.011.
  14. 31. Many data points that are closely grouped together.
  15. 32. Has the atomic symbol Na.
  16. 34. Compressible, atoms move quickly and have a large amount of space between them--no fixed shape or volume.
  17. 35. A physical property defined at mass/volume and has units of g/ml org/cm^2.
  18. 39. Used gold foil experiment to determine that most of an atom's mass is in the nucleus.
  19. 41. Establishes identity of the element.
  20. 43. Conroe high school mascot.
  21. 44. Has an atomic number of 17.
  22. 46. An element that has lost or gained electrons.
  1. 1. Negative particle of an atom.
  2. 3. A negative ion.
  3. 5. Variations of an element with different numbers of neutrons.
  4. 6. Vertical columns of elements on the periodic table.
  5. 7. Most reactive family of elements (2 words).
  6. 8. Type of mixture that can be easily separated such as chunky peanut butter, or stew.
  7. 9. The densely packed middle of an atom.
  8. 12. Dull, brittle, most are gases, poor conductors of heat and electricity.
  9. 13. Change that results in new compounds.
  10. 14. Hypothesized that electrons traveled in discrete orbits around the nucleus.
  11. 15. The mass of one mole of an element and is equal to its atomic mass in grams (2 words).
  12. 18. The combination of 2 or more substances that does not result in a chemical change.
  13. 22. The result of a chemical reaction.
  14. 23. The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus (2 words).
  15. 24. 2 or more molecules or elements chemically bound to each other and can only be changed by a chemical reaction.
  16. 26. The number of protons in an element (2 words).
  17. 27. Chemical family that does not react (2 words).
  18. 28. Attaining the intended target.
  19. 30. Has the atomic symbol Xe.
  20. 31. Property that can be observed by the 5 senses.
  21. 33. Published the first periodic table in which the elements are arranged by atomic.
  22. 36. Not compressible, atoms are closely packed and only move slightly--has a fixed shape and volume.
  23. 37. What goes into a chemical reaction.
  24. 38. A positive ion.
  25. 40. When 2 or more elements come together and bind chemically.
  26. 41. Horizontal rows of elements on the periodic table.
  27. 42. State in which we live.
  28. 45. Slightly compressible, atoms slide past one another--no fixed shape, but does have a fixed volume.