Chemistry of Life

  1. 3. 2 words the ability of an enzyme to bind only one substrate or a limited range of related substrates
  2. 5. 2 words a triglyceride neither acidic nor basic
  3. 9. a glucose polymer synthesized be liver, muscle, uterine, and vaginal cells that serves as an energy storage polysaccharide
  4. 10. a lipid molecule that consists of four interconnected carbon rings, cholesterol and several of its derivatives
  5. 14. a chemical that reduces the surface tension of water and enables it to penetrate other substances more effectively such as pulmonary surfactant and bile salts
  6. 15. any chemical produced by metabolism
  7. 16. an enzyme that hydrolyzes a triglyceride into fatty acids and glycerol
  8. 18. a protein that functions as a catalyst
  9. 20. The clinging of identical molecules such as water to each other
  10. 21. pertaining to molecules that attract water or dissolve in it because of their polar nature
  11. 22. a series of anaerobic oxidation reactions that break glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid and produce a small amount of ATP
  12. 25. pertaining to compounds of carbon
  1. 1. one of the identical or similar subunits of a larger molecule in the dimer to polymer range, for example, glucose is one of these of starch
  2. 2. a chemical that is acted upon and changed by an enzyme
  3. 4. any chain of two or more amino acids
  4. 6. a protein molecule with a smaller carbohydrate covalently bonded to it, found in mucous and the glycocalyx of cells for example
  5. 7. a hormone which helps regulate blood sugar
  6. 8. a state in which one organic compound is bound to another compound of a different class, such as a protein with a carbohydrate
  7. 11. a disaccharide composed of two glucose monomers derived from malt
  8. 12. 2 words the region of a protein that binds to a ligand, such as the substrate-binding site of an enzyme
  9. 13. 2 words one of the structural subunits of triglycerides and phospholipids
  10. 17. 2 words small organic molecules with an amino group and a carboxyl group, the monomers of which proteins are composed
  11. 19. a chemically distinct subunit of a macromolecule, such as the heme and globin moeities of hemoglobin or the lipid and carbohydrate moeities of a glycolipid
  12. 23. 2 words a small organic acid produced as an end product of the anaerobic fermentation of pyruvic acid, a contributing factor to muscle fatigue
  13. 24. a metal ion that binds to an enzyme and activates its catalytic function
  14. 26. a viscous three carbon alcohol that forms the structural backbone of triglyceride and phospholipid molecules