Chemistry Unit

  1. 4. Anumber in the bottom center of the elements space on the Periodic Table. (63.545- Copper)
  2. 5. An Element that shows no sign of metal in it. (Has no properties of either metal or non-metals)
  3. 6. a thing in the Periodic Table of Elements (rock or gas or metal, etc)
  4. 7. Substance the undergoes a chemical change
  5. 8. Quantity of Substance
  6. 10. Rows on the Periodic Table
  7. 11. Chemical change of cold
  8. 12. Has a Negative Charge.
  9. 14. Is a column of elements in the periodic table of the chemical elements.
  10. 16. system subjected to external force
  11. 24. Has a Neutral Charge.
  12. 26. Chemical change of hot
  1. 1. The two letters that represent each element on the periodic table. (CU- Copper)
  2. 2. The Electron on the outer ring of the element. (2,8,8,2).
  3. 3. Inventor of the Periodic Table.
  4. 9. Is the ball of Positive and Negative charge in the center of the atom.
  5. 13. All the gases on the Periodic table (Hydrogen, Helium, etc)
  6. 15. Substance obtained by another substance
  7. 17. the Number at the center top of the elements space in the Periodic Table. (29- Copper)
  8. 18. Composed of 2 or more parts
  9. 19. Elements that have no signs of metal in them (Gases)
  10. 20. The smallest individual part of a molecule.
  11. 21. Orbitals are regions of space around the nucleus of an atom where an electron is likely to be found.
  12. 22. Elements that form cations when compounds.
  13. 23. We did a lab about this. Metal was _________
  14. 25. Has a Positive Charge.