Chemistry Vocabulary Review

  1. 2. block or area of the periodic table that represents those elements with their last electron in an 'f' orbital
  2. 4. dense center of the atom where 'all' mass is located
  3. 5. physical combination of matter, can be homogeneous or heterogeneous
  4. 6. atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons and masses
  5. 8. name for a row on the periodic table
  6. 12. property that can be seen when a substance undergoes a chemical change (ex - flammability, rustability)
  7. 13. elements in main group 2, they have 2 valence electrons and are very reactive
  8. 15. how close a measurement is to the true value (how 'right' or correct your answer is)
  9. 17. elements found in a stairstep pattern in the 'p' block of the period table, they have properties of both metals and nonmetals
  10. 21. positive subatomic particle that determines the type of atom
  11. 22. elemenst found in the 'f' block of the periodic table, they are radioactive or man-made substances
  12. 24. name for a positive ion that has lost electrons
  13. 25. state of matter with variable volume and variable shape
  14. 26. negative subatomic particle located in orbitals around the nucleus
  15. 27. elements in main group 1, they have 1 valence electron and are very very reactive
  16. 28. the number of protons and neutrons in an atom
  17. 29. anything with mass that takes up space
  18. 31. electrons located in the outer energy level, involved in bonding and gives an atom its chemical properties
  19. 32. property that can be identified without changing the identity of a substance (ex - boiling point, mass)
  20. 34. block or area of the periodic table that represents those elements with their last electron in an 's' orbital
  21. 35. block or area of the periodic table that represents those elements with their last electron in a 'd' orbital
  22. 36. name for a negative ion that has gained electrons
  1. 1. subatomic particle with no charge and a mass of 1 amu
  2. 3. the study of matter and the transformations it can undergo
  3. 7. when inner core electrons block the attractive pull of the nucleus from outer valence electrons
  4. 9. ability of an atom to attract electrons
  5. 10. how close several measurements are to each other (reflection of the amount of care you take in your procedure - how consistent you are)
  6. 11. elements on the left of the periodic table that lose electrons to become positive ions, they are typically shiny, maleable, and ductile
  7. 12. chemical combination of matter, composed of more than 1 type of atom
  8. 14. elements in main group 8, they have a full outer energy level and are very unreactive
  9. 16. elements on the right of the periodic table that gain electrons to become negative ions, they are typically dull and brittle
  10. 18. elements found in the center of the periodic table, they represent the 'd' block of the periodic table
  11. 19. the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom
  12. 20. name for a column on the periodic table, also called a group
  13. 21. block or area of the periodic table that represents those elements with their last electron in a 'p' orbital
  14. 23. state of matter with a fixed volume and fixed shape
  15. 30. state of matter with a fixed volume and variable shape
  16. 33. elements in main group 7, they have 7 valence electrons and are very electronegative
  17. 36. smallest unit of matter
  18. 37. atoms of the same element with different numbers of electrons and charges