
  1. 5. / ________ could be any fossil fuel (methane, ethane, propane, butane), and is used in the process of combustion.
  2. 8. / The symbols of elements are printed in different colors, depending on their states. If black indicates solids, red indicates gasses, what color indicates liquids.
  3. 9. / The atomic number is identifies the number of ________ there is in an atom.
  4. 10. Displacement / ________ is a chemical reaction that involves both an element and a compound, which reacts so that the element displaces another element in a compound.
  5. 11. / ________ are found on the left hand side of the periodic table. (e.g. Ca, Li)
  6. 13. / These substances, in even the smallest of doses, can poison, cause injury, or even death if consumed, absorbed through the skin, or inhaled.
  7. 16. / In the innermost (first) valence shelf there are always ________ electrons.
  8. 17. / Known as the acid base reaction, this reaction’s reactants are acids and bases, and produce water and salt, this is also a double displacement action.
  9. 19. Metals / ________ are shiny, silvery metals, that are highly reactive, and form white solids as compounds.
  10. 22. / This material safety system was created to protect people from dangers within the home.
  11. 23. / The law of conservation states that all atoms cannot be created or ________ .
  12. 24. / An anion is an ion that has a negative charge, and a ________ is an ion with a positive charge. This type of ion is always a metal.
  1. 1. / The products of a neutralization reaction is salt and ________.
  2. 2. / ________ bonds occur when metal transfers at least one of it’s electrons to a non-metal to gain a total of 8 valence electrons, thus making it stable. A strong attraction is formed between positive and negative ions in this compound.
  3. 3. Scale / This scale measures the concentration of hydrogen and is stands for the “power of hydrogen”.
  4. 4. / ________ is the fast reaction between a substance with oxygen creating oxides, and is also known as burning.
  5. 6. / The four types of reactions are: Synthesis, ________, Single Displacement, and Double Displacement.
  6. 7. ________ A chemical that is present at the beginning of the chemical reaction, and is later used in the process of the reaction.
  7. 12. / This compound separates into ions when it dissolves in water creating a solution that conducts electricity.
  8. 14. / ________ are dull, brittle, non-acidic, found in all 3 states at room temperature, and are often insulators.
  9. 15. / This compound dissociates in water (aqueous solution to create hydrogen (H+) ions. Properties of this compound include: reacts with metals and carbonates, conducts electricity, turns blue litmus paper red, neutralizes bases, and is sour.
  10. 18. / Incomplete Combustion, which is when not all of the carbon from the hydrocarbon is changed into carbon dioxide, happens when ________ is limited.
  11. 20. / Inside the nucleus neutrons and ________ can be found.
  12. 21. / This physical property relies on the sense of smell. Words used to describe include odourless, spicy, sharp, burnt, strong or sweet.
  13. 22. / The four products of incomplete combustion are CO (Carbon Monoxide), CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), ________, and C (Carbon / Soot).
  14. 25. / All elements are made up of particle s called ________