
  1. 3. A method use to separate a soluble solid from a liquid
  2. 5. Comparison between unknown quantities using a standard unit
  3. 6. Ability of a solution to dissolve a solute in a solvent at a particular temperature
  4. 7. created the cathode ray tube
  5. 11. Amount of substance in C-12 atom
  6. 15. A method use to separate and collect a liquid from a solution of a soluble liquid
  7. 16. Contains the dispersed particle and dispersing medium
  8. 19. Average kinetic energy of the gas particles
  9. 20. A mixture or metallic solid solution composed of two or more elements
  10. 21. Ability of any gas molecules to expand
  11. 23. Explosion of a star cause it releases too much gases in our galaxy
  12. 25. Number of moles of a substance in a solution for each mole
  13. 26. Moving out of some colloidal particle
  14. 28. Zero charged particle discovered by James Chadwick
  1. 1. Basic unit of matter
  2. 2. Space occupied by gas particles
  3. 3. Region/space of the atom where electrons are probably found
  4. 4. Negatively charged elements
  5. 6. A way of expressing very large or very small numbers
  6. 8. Compounds that do not have carbon
  7. 9. Study of matter and the changes it undergoes
  8. 10. A property that depends on the amount of a solute
  9. 12. Molecules that contain carbon
  10. 13. Proposed the planetary model of the atom
  11. 14. Have definite number of atom and are chemically combined
  12. 17. Positively charged particle discovered by Eugene Goldstein
  13. 18. Used the cathode ray tube to prove the existence of electrons
  14. 21. Reaction where heat is absorbed. Moves from low to high energy level
  15. 22. Substance that tells as that if it is an acid or a base due to color change
  16. 24. Force exerted by gas molecules in a given area
  17. 26. A mixture of one substance dissolved in another so properties are the same throughout
  18. 27. Central part of an atom