Children and Technology

  1. 5. This is the approx. time children who use media tools watch or play with them for
  2. 6. When children use or play with mobile devices, parents should?
  3. 7. It is possible for a child to become what to mobile devices?
  4. 10. Pediatricians and Doctors also worry how the use of mobile media may affect children's what?
  1. 1. Children at this age and under have used a smart phone or tablet
  2. 2. The amount of time spent on mobile devices should be?
  3. 3. What's a child's world supposed to center around?
  4. 4. Many children may be apart of the first true?
  5. 8. When parent's are involved with their child's learning through mobile devices, the experience can be very what?
  6. 9. Children 8 and under live in a home with at least one of these