Children's Books

  1. 4. Author of the pigeon Books
  2. 7. Original Series written by Ann M. Martin, now a popular Graphic Novel series
  3. 9. Mr. Popper's _______
  4. 12. author of The Bad Seed
  5. 14. Written by Eric Carle
  1. 1. Author of where the Sidewalk Ends
  2. 2. Graphic novels series that follows a wolf, snake, piranha, shark and a spider
  3. 3. ______ and the terrible, horrible,no good, very bad day
  4. 5. James and the Giant _______
  5. 6. Charlotte's ____
  6. 8. ___ the Boy Who Crashed to Earth
  7. 10. ___ Eggs and Ham
  8. 11. Series written by J.K Rowling
  9. 13. Author of Funjungle series