Children's Cognitive Development

  1. 7. speech to oneself that guide's one's thoughts and behaviour
  2. 10. experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences to construct an understanding of the world
  3. 11. Was fascinated by the errors that children made, and developed a theory of cognitive development based on that.
  4. 13. very controversial area of psychology with no agreed upon definition
  5. 14. using a scheme you already have to make sense of a new event or situation
  6. 16. changing your ideas to create a new scheme
  7. 18. learning a new skill is guided by someone who is more skilled
  1. 1. internal set of ideas about how to do or see something
  2. 2. 2 to 7 years and is focused on pretend play, logic is flawed
  3. 3. combining schemes that you already have into new and more complex functions
  4. 4. birth to 2 years and learning through senses and movement
  5. 5. adjusting to the demands of the environment by assimilating or accomodating new experiences
  6. 6. knowledge is subjective and can be viewed in multiple ways
  7. 8. comes naturally without thinking about it
  8. 9. believed complex forms of thinking have their origins in social interactions
  9. 12. understanding what others are thinking
  10. 15. operational 11 years to adulthood stage where you can thinking hypothetically and logically
  11. 17. activity of knowing and the process by which knowledge is acquired
  12. 19. operational 7 to 11 years stage where multiple factors can be taken into account