
  1. 4. Containers peculiar to ancient China
  2. 6. an aromatic beverage prepared
  3. 10. The traditional way to celebrate the Chinese New year
  4. 14. a Chinese philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period
  5. 15. the most dominant form of Chinese opera
  6. 18. a traditional way to celebrate the Chinese New year
  7. 20. a city and a special administrative region in China
  8. 21. uses flat articulated cut-out figures
  9. 22. a paper in a cookie
  10. 24. an internal Chinese martial art practiced for self-defense and health
  11. 25. the art of paper designs
  1. 1. A lovely animal endemic to China
  2. 2. a natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be woven into textiles
  3. 3. an often portable source of lighting
  4. 4. a device that shows the cardinal directions
  5. 5. A unique building in China
  6. 7. a statement, question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved
  7. 8. a visual art related to writing
  8. 9. alleys formed by lines of siheyuan, traditional courtyard residences
  9. 11. a traditional classification scheme based on the Chinese calendar that assigns an animal
  10. 12. a broad class of dishes that consist of pieces of cooked
  11. 13. a person who practices religious asceticism by living a monastic lifestyle
  12. 15. a small round bread with meat inside
  13. 16. A pair of successive rhyming lines, usually of the same length
  14. 17. One of the four great inventions in ancient China
  15. 19. a martial art of China
  16. 23. a popular Chinese dish