China and India

  1. 4. Hindu concept of impersonal, universal God connected to everything
  2. 6. Khan who unified Mongolia
  3. 7. 3rd-largest country by land
  4. 10. behaving naturally and effortlessly; aligning one's will with the Tao
  5. 14. social classes in Hinduism
  6. 16. book of Confucian teachings
  7. 18. river where Chinese civilization began
  8. 19. 7th-largest country by land
  9. 20. Indian ruler who conquered Kalinga and then embraced Buddhism and gave up violence
  10. 21. second-highest populated country
  11. 22. the Buddha
  12. 23. highest populated country
  13. 24. proper human relationships and respect for rites and tradition
  14. 26. the world's longest fortification
  1. 1. the belief that one's good or bad actions in a previous life affects what happens to them in their next life
  2. 2. Chinese dynasty that traded with Romans via the Great Silk Road
  3. 3. Mongolian Chinese dynasty
  4. 4. love for others and being friendly
  5. 5. a profound peace of mind in which one is liberated from all desires and all suffering
  6. 7. dominant ideology in China from 100s B.C. to the mid-20th century
  7. 8. Hindu goal of liberation
  8. 9. the repeating cycle of birth, life, and death
  9. 11. the way of the world according Laozi
  10. 12. do not do to others what you wouldn't want done to you
  11. 13. first ruler of India; retired voluntarily and became a monk
  12. 15. Chinese dynasty that built the Great Wall of China
  13. 17. Hindu goal of virtue
  14. 25. ideology founded by Laozi which stresses effortless action and harmony with nature
  15. 27. Chinese philosopher and poet who founded Taoism