China Inventions and Religions: Crossword I

  1. 1. This treatment is known as belives the the body can be healed with needles that align the the flow of energy in the body; relieves pain; renews the body.
  2. 6. Chinese Invention: Millers of grain invented this to grind more grain with water.
  3. 9. During the Shang dynasty, the Chinese created objects made of _______for religious use.
  4. 10. Buddhist idea of perfection, heaven, peace, happiness.
  5. 11. Characters that represent objects. For example, the Chinese characters for the sun and the moon
  6. 13. Hindu belief in one's duties or responsibilities.
  7. 14. Government workers in the _____ Service studied Confucius and took exams.
  8. 16. Religion that holds life is full of suffering. To end suffering, follow the Eight-Fold Path.
  9. 18. Emperor who built the Great Wall
  10. 19. Religion founded in India: reincarnation, karma, dharma.
  1. 2. Chinese invention on sailing ship allowed them to steer.
  2. 3. Philosophy that stressed the importance of a system of laws; it held that people were evil and had to be controlled by laws.
  3. 4. The Mandate of _____is the belief that the Chinese king's right to rule came from the gods.
  4. 5. Hindu belief that a person's actions affect how they will be reborn in a future life.
  5. 7. He taught that society would be harmonious if people honored traditions, respected their elders, and sought knowledge.
  6. 8. Ceramic made of fine clay baked at high temperature, for dishes and vases.
  7. 12. This farm tool was now made with cast-iron.
  8. 15. "Magnetic" tool that helped ships to navigate.
  9. 17. Religion of Lao-tzu that seeks balance between yin and yang.
  10. 20. The ______ Road was a network of trade to expand.