China's Slacker Youths (CNA documentary)

  1. 4. Younger Chinese do not work harder than the older generation because they do not think that they have a better _______.
  2. 5. Bai Lan has its beginning in the ________ community in early 2022.
  3. 6. Social ______ is the reason why young people think that no matter how hard they work they cannot rise in social status.
  4. 7. During the COVID, Chinese economy was losing 45 billion dollars of GDP per ________.
  5. 8. Bai Lan is a protest against _________.
  6. 10. Lying Flat is a form of ________.
  7. 12. Xi Jinping hoped to _______ the Chinese youths in his May 4 speech in 2021.
  8. 14. Bai Lan is just a _______ movement.
  9. 15. Big tech firms are instructed to give back to society in the form of _______.
  10. 17. Chinese company listed for promoting 996 culture.
  11. 21. Let It Rot.
  12. 22. Last of the "Three Mountains".
  13. 23. Xi Jinping wants to make sure that China's progress is _______ rather than exclusive.
  14. 25. Lying Flat.
  15. 26. Another of the "Three Mountains".
  1. 1. another Chinese company listed for promoting 996 culture.
  2. 2. Government's response to Tang Ping.
  3. 3. 20% of _________ amongst Chinese youths in the current sluggish economy.
  4. 9. one of the Chinese companies listed for promoting 996 culture.
  5. 11. One of the "Three Mountains".
  6. 13. Common _______ campaign was launched in August 2021.
  7. 16. Chinese _______ is the focus of Xi Jinping's speech in May 4 2022.
  8. 18. Private and online _______ were crackdown in August 2021.
  9. 19. 996 work culture was ruled _______ by the Supreme People's Court.
  10. 20. Unlike Tang Ping, which is self-preservation, Bai Lan is worst because it refuses to _________ with authorities.
  11. 24. A proponent of the 996 culture.