Chinese Balloon

  1. 2. the balloon had large _____ panels
  2. 6. US believes its part of a bigger plan that has spanned _____ continents
  3. 7. The US is considering taking ______ against groups linked to the Chinese government
  4. 8. China said our decision to destroy the balloon was ______.
  5. 10. lawmakers passed a resolution ______ China
  6. 12. The balloon was shot down over the _______ Ocean
  7. 13. China said the balloon was a ______ device
  8. 14. The hearings come amid mounting _______.
  9. 16. The types of antennas are meant for ______ technology
  1. 1. The potential to harm civilians was ______ to significant
  2. 3. it was equipped with multiple...
  3. 4. US Secretary of State
  4. 5. China has denied the balloon was used for...
  5. 9. US Army Lieutenant General Douglas...
  6. 10. The US may have taken _____ to prevent China from gathering data
  7. 11. It may have intercepted communications from _____ bases
  8. 15. The balloon caused our Secretary of State to _____ his trip