Chinese Crossword

  1. 2. fried noodles
  2. 4. how many people
  3. 6. steak
  4. 7. fried rice
  5. 14. how much money in total
  6. 16. drink
  7. 17. a drink nesesary for humans
  8. 18. to pay the bill
  9. 19. vegetable salad
  10. 20. cola
  11. 21. eat
  12. 23. Chinese food, Chinese cuisine
  13. 24. waiter/waitress
  14. 25. or
  1. 1. cooked rice
  2. 2. menu
  3. 3. to order (food)
  4. 5. french fries
  5. 7. orange juice
  6. 8. hamburger
  7. 9. customer
  8. 10. fruit salad
  9. 11. hot dog
  10. 12. sprite
  11. 13. dumplings
  12. 14. spaghetti
  13. 15. Western food
  14. 17. sandwiches
  15. 20. coffee
  16. 22. money