Chinese Dynasties

  1. 7. Chinese poet who wrote about life’s pleasures
  2. 9. It was invented in A.D. 105. Before that, books were usually written on silk.
  3. 11. This system created a remarkably intelligent and capable governing class in China.
  4. 13. This dynasty ruled China for more than 400 years, is divided into two periods.
  5. 15. When a girl was very young, her feet were bound tightly with cloth, which eventually broke the arch and curled all but the big toe under.
  6. 17. That class attained their status through education and civil service positions rather than through land ownership.
  1. 1. the process of making conquered peoples part of Chinese culture.
  2. 2. allowed horses to pull much heavier loads than did the harness being used in Europe at the time.
  3. 3. He had taught that gentlemen should practice “reverence [respect], generosity, truthfulness, diligence [industriousness], and kindness.”
  4. 4. Liu Bang’s wife, she had powerful friends at court who helped her seize power
  5. 5. Founds the Han Dynasty
  6. 6. A printer could arrange blocks of individual characters in a frame to make up a page for printing.
  7. 8. A system of treatment that involves inserting slender needles into the body at specific points
  8. 10. This woman assumed the title of emperor for herself—the only woman ever to do so in China.
  9. 12. He is called the “Martial Emperor” because he adopted the policy of expanding the Chinese empire through war
  10. 14. Chinese poet who praised orderliness and Confucian virtues.
  11. 16. Taizong He was the most powerful ruler of the Tang dynasty