Chinese Head Tax

  1. 1. Leaving one's home country to go to a different country
  2. 5. The official language of China
  3. 8. A time between 1930 and 1939 when Canada experienced a long-term downturn in economic activity
  4. 11. Where the Chinese head tax took place
  5. 13. A Cantonese phrase referring to elderly Chinese immigrants
  6. 14. lack of fairness or justice.
  1. 2. The arrival of people into a country from their homeland
  2. 3. Chinese term for North America
  3. 4. An unmarried man
  4. 6. Sudden migration of people to an area where gold has been found
  5. 7. A fee charged to each Chinese person to enter Canada
  6. 9. The arrival of people into a country from their homeland.
  7. 10. the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
  8. 12. A general pardon issued by the government for pas offences
  9. 15. The customs, traditions, and value of a Country of it's people