chinese immigration

  1. 3. you claim residence
  2. 4. gotta be a white free man
  3. 7. putting blame on one person
  4. 8. renewed the chinese exclusion act for another 10 years, 1892
  5. 12. was excluded from the chinese exclusion act
  6. 14. first act that excluded a specific race
  7. 15. father of medicine
  8. 16. many chinese immigrants worked on this
  9. 17. the idea that only white people are pure
  10. 20. something you smoked
  11. 21. like ellis island
  1. 1. flu,measles,etc.
  2. 2. why many people come to the usa
  3. 5. detentions at angel island who got denied entry
  4. 6. those who got excluded from coming into america
  5. 9. the process of categorizing according to race
  6. 10. stock market, prices, etc.
  7. 11. ores that were found in california
  8. 13. extension to chinese exclusion act put in place in 1888
  9. 18. discrimation agaisnt another race
  10. 19. magazine that had the asian verison of the staute of liberty