Choice Board E-25 points Crosswords

  1. 2. system that includes the diaphragm
  2. 4. system that includes hair and nails
  3. 7. carries oxygen poor blood
  4. 9. system that includes tendons
  5. 10. connect to bones to move
  6. 12. made of three layers
  7. 13. system that includes the kidneys and bladder
  8. 14. filters blood
  9. 15. pumps blood through the body
  1. 1. carries oxygen rich blood
  2. 3. system that includes the brain and spinal cord
  3. 5. system that includes joints and ligaments
  4. 6. system that includes veins and arteries
  5. 8. controls body
  6. 11. system that includes liver and stomach