Chorus Q2

  1. 5. contains several Christmas songs.
  2. 7. minor key and tritone
  3. 10. forte
  4. 13. Hannukkah song
  5. 15. contains a tritone
  6. 16. Parade of the Wooden Soldiers
  7. 17. highest voices
  1. 1. getting louder
  2. 2. "devil's" sound
  3. 3. Set Down Servant
  4. 4. minor key
  5. 6. low to high moving tones
  6. 8. repeated tones
  7. 9. 1534, also includes a tritone
  8. 11. lowest voices
  9. 12. do, re,mi, fa,sol,la,ti,do
  10. 13. high to low moving tones
  11. 14. piano