Chorus Vocab
- 4. the loudest point reached in a gradually increasing sound.
- 7. a decrease in loudness.
- 8. stronger attack placed on a particular note or set of notes, or chord.
- 9. very loud
- 11. Gradual increase of speed
- 12. higher in pitch by one semitone
- 13. resting beyond its given time value.
- 14. the speed at which a piece of music is played.
- 15. playing a note with sudden, strong emphasis
- 18. forte moderately loud
- 1. higher in pitch by one semitone
- 2. glide from one pitch to another.
- 3. piano played or sung with medium softness
- 5. a decrease in loudness in a piece of music.
- 6. very softly
- 10. lower in pitch
- 16. loud
- 17. how quietly or loudly a piece of music should be played.