Chorus Winter 22

  1. 4. To gradually get softer
  2. 5. you might be under pitch
  3. 9. To gradually get louder
  4. 12. This note has 2 beats
  5. 14. To sing loudly!
  6. 15. Tells you to hold a note longer
  7. 16. Your favorite chorus teacher at MacArthur
  1. 1. This note has 1 beat
  2. 2. A ______ vowel might sound like "nuh"
  3. 3. Keep your lamps trimmed and...
  4. 6. Don't ______ your knees, you might pass out
  5. 7. Connects nots together
  6. 8. My alligator!
  7. 10. Used on twitter, but in a different way
  8. 11. Patterns of long and short sounds
  9. 12. The beautiful sound you make with your voices
  10. 13. This sign tells you to do it again