Christianity in Rome

  1. 2. What was Jesus Crucified on?
  2. 6. A specific group in the Jewish faith.
  3. 10. The emperor that made Christianity Rome's main religion.
  4. 11. Who made Christianity legal?
  5. 12. Jesus was born to this religion.
  6. 13. What was the greatest empire of all time?
  7. 15. This is the practice of worshiping multiple gods.
  1. 1. Who was the believed "Messiah" of the Christian religion?
  2. 3. The debate on Christianity caused a ...
  3. 4. Someone who dies for their religion.
  4. 5. What was the religion that became legal in 313 A.D.?
  5. 7. This was the Roman equivalent to Zeus.
  6. 8. This is the practice of worshiping one single god.
  7. 9. A language spoken by a large percentage of the Roman Empire.
  8. 14. Who is the omniscient leader in the Christian/Jewish religion?