Christians Vocab puzzle of mysterious doom

  1. 2. People who hunt and gather stuff
  2. 3. Farming
  3. 5. common
  4. 7. The first part of the stone age.
  5. 10. Relative who lived in the past
  6. 13. The ti e before writing was invented
  7. 14. Making plants or animals more useful
  8. 15. The freezing times.
  1. 1. land that connects two continents.
  2. 4. Early ancestors of humans
  3. 6. Huge stones used as monuments.
  4. 8. Object to help humans do tasks.
  5. 9. Middle of the stone age
  6. 11. Move as in travel to a different place.
  7. 12. the era where farming was invented.