Drake Sisters Series
- 7. “Animals Abigail Drake has a bond with”
- 8. “Common threat faced by the sisters”
- 9. “Hannah Drake’s story”
- 10. “Sheriff and Elle Drake’s lifemate”
- 13. “Kate Drake’s story”
- 14. “Manipulating elements like water and fire”
- 15. “Marine biologist with a bond to dolphins in Oceans of Fire”
- 18. Star “Joley Drake’s profession”
- 19. “First novella in the Drake Sisters Series”
- 1. “Linked to the Torpedo Ink series”
- 2. “Sarah Drake’s ability to foresee events”
- 3. “Holiday featured in The Twilight Before Christmas”
- 4. “Oldest sister and security expert in Magic in the Wind”
- 5. “Kate Drake’s lifemate”
- 6. “Abigail Drake’s story”
- 7. “Libby Drake’s story”
- 11. “Strong bond among the Drake sisters”
- 12. “Sarah Drake’s lifemate”
- 16. “Bestselling novelist in The Twilight Before Christmas”
- 17. “Central theme in the series”