Christine's Bridal Shower

  1. 6. the groom’s college
  2. 7. the bride’s favorite baseball team
  3. 8. the groom’s childhood dog
  4. 11. the groom’s hometown
  5. 12. the groom’s favorite animal
  6. 13. the groom’s mother
  7. 16. the bride’s favorite hobby
  8. 18. the bride’s dog
  9. 19. wedding venue
  10. 21. the groom’s favorite TV show
  11. 22. the bride’s father
  12. 23. the bride’s hometown
  1. 1. the bride’s favorite TV show (acronym)
  2. 2. riding the groom’s favorite hobby
  3. 3. the groom’s sister
  4. 4. the groom’s favorite movie
  5. 5. flower girl
  6. 6. the groom’s best man
  7. 7. flower girl
  8. 9. the bride’s Maid of Honor
  9. 10. the bride’s college
  10. 14. the groom’s father
  11. 15. the bride’s favorite movie
  12. 17. the bride’s favorite animal
  13. 20. the bride’s mother