
  1. 3. the season after autumn
  2. 7. a clothe that we put around our neck
  3. 9. who brings presents and puts them under the tree?
  4. 11. what falls from the sky?
  5. 13. a man made of snow
  6. 14. a feast that we always celebrate on the first day of January
  7. 15. a house made of snow
  1. 1. a thing that is made of fir branches
  2. 2. the place where the fire burns
  3. 4. on Christmas you find them under the Christmas tree
  4. 5. a feast where 12 courses are eaten
  5. 6. what water turns into when it freezes?
  6. 8. what do we put on our hands when it's very cold?
  7. 10. what covers the ground in winter?
  8. 12. the thing with which we skate down the mountain