
  1. 1. "shinning snake"
  2. 4. they are 9 to pull the sled
  3. 5. Hoist it over the chimney
  4. 9. you have to kiss when you are below
  5. 13. "DING DONG"
  6. 14. it comes after autumn
  7. 16. a little man made entirely of snow
  8. 17. biscuit for santaclaus
  9. 18. christmas songs
  10. 19. "lutins" in french
  1. 2. santaclaus comes on it
  2. 3. place where you slide on ice
  3. 6. traditional dessert
  4. 7. ... claus
  5. 8. famous cake
  6. 10. Put them on the christmastree
  7. 11. synonym of present
  8. 12. santaclaus puts the gifts bellow
  9. 15. it rains white
  10. 17. it's a type of red hat