Christmas 2022
- 3. Who wrestled his first varsity match this year?
- 5. Who had the biggest garden this year?
- 10. Who tried multiple new sports this year?
- 11. Who in the room has had the most surgeries?
- 12. Who spent the most time on stage without saying anything this year?
- 13. Who has scored the most points on the basketball court this year?
- 16. What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?
- 18. Who spoke the most lines on stage this year?
- 20. Who drives the farthest to work every day?
- 22. What can be broken but never held?
- 23. Who started school full-time this year?
- 1. Who shot the biggest four-legged creature this year?
- 2. Who is most comfortable when her mom is close?
- 4. Who in the room could be the next legal driver?
- 6. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
- 7. **********Who showed the winning weather dam this year?
- 8. Who smiled the most this year?
- 9. Who in the room most recently learned to drive a semi?
- 10. Who started a new job this year?
- 14. Who has the youngest big brother?
- 15. What can you catch that is not thrown?
- 17. What starts with āeā and ends with āeā but only has one letter in it?
- 19. Who made the biggest snowman this year?
- 20. What gets wetter the more it dries?
- 21. Who has the shortest commute to the office for work?