Christmas Around the World
- 1. The month of Christmas.
- 3. Songs people sing at Christmas.
- 6. Santa’s vehicle for delivering presents.
- 8. A decoration often placed on top of a tree.
- 9. Scene Figures showing baby Jesus and his family.
- 12. A plant people kiss under at Christmas.
- 13. A shiny decoration for the Christmas tree.
- 14. A place where stockings are hung.
- 16. A man made of snow.
- 17. Decorations that shine at Christmas.
- 18. Presents people give at Christmas.
- 19. A special day to celebrate.
- 2. Sweet treats left for Santa.
- 4. Tree A tree decorated with lights and ornaments.
- 5. A big bird eaten at Christmas in many countries.
- 6. Claus A man in red who brings gifts to children.
- 7. Animals that pull Santa’s sleigh.
- 10. A small musical decoration for Christmas.
- 11. Big socks for gifts from Santa.
- 15. Eve The night before Christmas Day.