Christmas Crossword!
- 2. Santa´s favorite drinK. It's left on Christmas Eve for him to drink.
- 5. Typical Colombian baked good commonly eaten during Christmas time
- 6. Is One of the main colors associate with Christmas. Same color as snow!
- 8. Santa´s main method of transportation during Christmas!
- 10. A typical Christmas decoration that is covered in ornaments! (The gifts are commonly found under)
- 11. Santa´s favorite meal, commonly left for him to eat on Christmas eve.
- 12. The place that Santa uses to go into our homes.
- 14. The main religion which celebrates Christmas
- 17. The informal abbreviation for Christmas
- 19. Jesus´s adoptive father
- 1. A plant with white berries, commonly used as ornament associated with Christmas.
- 3. The place where, according to the bible, Jesus was born.
- 4. This day is celebrated because it's his birthday!
- 7. is One of the three main colors of Christmas
- 9. The being who tried to steal Christmas.
- 12. Santa´s wife is named Mrs. _____
- 13. The season to which Christmas and New Year's belong.
- 15. The name of the most known of Santa´s reindeer, due to his particularly coloured nose.
- 16. A white particle that falls in the sky during Christmastime
- 18. Jesus´s mother