  1. 3. Someone whose job is to look after sheep
  2. 4. It's a Christmas color
  3. 5. We receive them in Epiphany (=The Three Wise Men Day)
  4. 6. First month of the year
  5. 7. EVE The day before Christmas
  6. 9. A spiritual creature like a human with wings, who some people believe lives with God in heaven
  7. 11. Baby Jesus birthday
  8. 13. On January first, we say Happy New...
  9. 15. The name of the Baby Jesus' Mother
  10. 16. Songs about Christmas.
  11. 18. We put this around our neck to keep us warm
  12. 19. It is a Christmas color
  1. 1. Month which we celebrate Christmas
  2. 2. In what season is Christmas?
  3. 6. The name of the Baby Jesus' Father
  4. 8. We spend the holidays in...
  5. 10. Christmas in Spanish
  6. 12. It is cold and white
  7. 14. People go there on Christmas Day. They go to pray and to sing carols
  8. 15. It is another word for "HAPPY"
  9. 17. The Three Wisemen followed a ...