Christmas Movies

  1. 4. The Family _____
  2. 5. It's A _________ Life
  3. 6. Meet Me In St. _____
  4. 8. The _____mare Before Christmas
  5. 9. The _______
  6. 12. A Christmas _____
  7. 15. The ______
  8. 17. ______ On 34th Street
  9. 18. ____ Actually
  10. 19. Home ____
  1. 1. Just _______
  2. 2. This _________
  3. 3. Deck The _____
  4. 4. The _____ Clause
  5. 7. ______ All The Way
  6. 10. ______ Christmas Party
  7. 11. _____ Christmas
  8. 13. National _______'s Christmas Vacation
  9. 14. Die ____
  10. 16. The _____ Express
  11. 18. ____ Christmas