Christmas Quiz 2022
- 3. Santa travels around the world on his _ _ _ _ _ _.
- 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ Around the Christmas Tree (Song)
- 9. The three Kings followed the Christmas _ _ _ _. Also, this decoration/ornament is usually put on top of a Christmas tree.
- 11. The place where Jesus was born.
- 13. Where Santa Lives (3,5,4)
- 14. Flavoured cookies, usually in the shape of a man.
- 15. The Reindeer with a red nose
- 1. How do you say Merry Christmas in Spanish? (5,7)
- 2. If one is born on Christmas Day, what is their star sign?
- 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ Bells(Carol)
- 4. Green creature who hates Christmas. The _ _ _ _ _ _.
- 5. Mummy kissed Santa under the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
- 6. Another word for Christmas. Short & sweet.
- 7. 26th December. The day after Christmas is also called _ _ _ _ _ _ Day.
- 8. This party is being held at '_ _ _ _ Villa'
- 10. A vegetable commonly used as a Snowman's nose
- 12. Santa's helpers.