christmas quiz
- 1. where people go to celebrate Christmas
- 3. what is the meat for Christmas dinner
- 8. what vegetable do many people hate to eat on Christmas day
- 9. what should you leave out for Santa to eat
- 10. what comes 7 days after Christmas day
- 11. what bird is in the fruit tree
- 14. what closes over Christmas
- 15. how many days in Christmas
- 16. what Santa comes down
- 17. what get wrapped up before Christmas
- 18. what should you leave out for the reindeer to eat
- 1. main Christmas dessert
- 2. what gets decorated before Christmas
- 4. you pull them on Christmas day
- 5. what day to most sales start
- 6. what type of wine is drunk on Christmas day
- 7. what does the queen do on Christmas day
- 12. animals that pull the sleigh
- 13. who make the presents
- 15. how many ships came sailing in on Christmas day