
  1. 1. What bad kids get in their stocking.
  2. 3. cane Red, white and tasty
  3. 5. Santa’s transports
  4. 6. Frosty the _____________.
  5. 8. hung on the door
  6. 9. hung above the chimney with care.
  7. 11. A good King
  8. 13. found under the tree.
  9. 16. Oh Christmas _______
  10. 18. _______ bells.
  1. 1. sent in the mail
  2. 2. ________ to the world.
  3. 3. singing Christmas songs
  4. 4. kiss kiss kiss
  5. 7. or Nice Santa’s list (3 words)
  6. 10. Rudolph was one
  7. 12. Claus jolly old soul
  8. 14. A drink with eggs in it.
  9. 15. Shoving this after a storm.
  10. 17. toymaker