
  1. 3. Father Christmas´ favourite reindeer.
  2. 4. Placed in the living room and covered in decorations.
  3. 7. The date of Christmas day.
  4. 10. The month of Christmas.
  5. 12. You use it to count down to Christmas.
  6. 14. Father Christmas´choice of transport.
  7. 15. At Christmas you kiss under it.
  8. 16. You give them at Christmas
  9. 18. You put them on the Christmas tree.
  10. 19. Father Christmas carries presents in it.
  1. 1. The three kings followed this.
  2. 2. He is a man made of snow.
  3. 5. Green and red plant used to decorate at Christmas.
  4. 6. The animal that pulls the sleigh.
  5. 8. Large bird eaten at Christmas.
  6. 9. He delivers presents at Christmas.
  7. 11. Father Christmas enters your house here.
  8. 12. You eat it after Christmas dinner.
  9. 13. You place her on the top of thge Christmas tree.
  10. 17. You hang it at the end of your bed at Christmas.