Chronic Diabetes

  1. 4. Neuropathy of the ___ nervous system can trigger delayed gastric emptying, postural hypotension, sexual dysfunction and neurogenic bladder
  2. 5. Complication involving large and medium-sized blood vessels, such as CAD, HTN, CVA, PVD
  3. 6. Neuropathic Arthropathy is also called ___, in which structural changes occur to the ankle and foot which lead to joint dysfunction and foot drop.
  4. 9. If a toe becomes necrotic, it is often treated via this surgical intervention
  5. 11. Destruction of vasculature in the kidney
  1. 1. The most common form of this looks like red-brown, oval or round patches on the skin, esp. on the shins
  2. 2. Term for chronic blood vessel dysfunctions seen in DM, divided into macrovascular and microvascular complications
  3. 3. Complication involving thickening of vessel membranes in capillaries and arterioles
  4. 7. Hemorrhages and aneurysms in the eye
  5. 8. DM-related neuropathy can effect the ___ nervous system
  6. 10. 60% of patients with DM will develop this form of nerve damage