Chuck and Judy

  1. 2. Pacific Island town of residence ___________
  2. 4. How many great grandchildren do you have? (3 words)
  3. 7. What end of high school memorabilia did you help purchase for Todd (Dale)? (2 words)
  4. 8. Who is the most significant unrelated sister?
  5. 10. Jarrod remembers the collection of old car pictures on the _____ in the foyer.
  6. 13. Number of trips Charles makes to the grocery store during Thanksgiving preparations.
  7. 14. What sport activity did Chuck do with Rick when getting to know his new brother-in-law?
  8. 16. What holiday is the best to attend when Chuck and Judy are hosting? (3 words)
  9. 17. Least favorite campsite located at __________________ (2 words)
  10. 22. How many grandchildren do you have?
  11. 23. What feature of Judy’s new husband did Cathy learn about on her first visit with the new couple?
  12. 24. East Coast town of residence ________
  13. 26. An unedible food that should be secretly be thrown off the nearest cliff.
  14. 27. The best Beer Tour. (3 words)
  15. 29. What Massachusetts beach did you vacation with Jennifer, Beth and her family before Abigail was born? (2 words)
  16. 30. Where did the Navy Gang meet up for snow trips? (4 words)
  17. 31. Where did the Navy Gang meet up for camping trips? (2 words)
  1. 1. Other East Coast town of residence ___________
  2. 3. What new type of sandwich did Chuck introduce to the West Coast family members?
  3. 5. West Coast town of residence ___________
  4. 6. Which unrelated father is important to the family?
  5. 9. Auggie’s first curse word (thanks Grandma!).
  6. 11. Lake that Chuck took Rick to go fishing when he was a kid.
  7. 12. Tom and Barbara’s favorite out of State destination to travel with you.
  8. 15. What unfinished homemade gift did Cathy give Chuck at Christmas?
  9. 18. Favorite surprise four-legged visitor when staying at Tom and Barbara’s house?
  10. 19. Memorable dining experience out in Boston with Kris, type of cuisine. (2 words)
  11. 20. Marine animal most likely to be spotted in game shows on an Alaskan Cruise Ship.
  12. 21. What lawn game was always available when Chuck and Judy hosted family holidays?
  13. 25. Where did Auggie go fishing with Grandpa and Alex when he caught his hook in Alex’s hat?
  14. 28. After narrowly surviving a night of difficult weather while camping at Cape Blanco, the family headed to town for __________