Chuseok event

  1. 2. Visiting the graves of family members who have passed away to remember and honor them.
  2. 5. The season when the weather gets cooler, leaves change color, and fall from the trees. It comes after summer and before winter.
  3. 7. A special set of actions or ceremonies that people do for important reasons or celebrations.
  4. 9. Things we eat to stay healthy and full; during Chuseok, there are many special dishes.
  5. 13. The soft and white light that comes from the moon at night.
  6. 14. The children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of someone from a long time ago.
  7. 15. People who are related to you, like your parents, siblings, and sometimes cousins and grandparents.
  8. 16. A special day when you don’t go to school or work and do fun things to celebrate.
  1. 1. Hoping for something good to happen or asking for a special thing during celebrations.
  2. 3. Having a lot of something, like lots of food or gifts, especially during holidays.
  3. 4. A special Korean holiday in the fall when families come together to celebrate and eat delicious food.
  4. 6. Feeling happy and thankful for something someone did for you
  5. 8. Things people do the same way year after year because they have been doing it for a long time.
  6. 9. A fun time with lots of activities and events to celebrate something special.
  7. 10. Traditional Korean clothes that are colorful and pretty, worn during special holidays.
  8. 11. A yummy Korean rice cake that’s shaped like a little moon and filled with sweet or savory stuff.
  9. 12. A special ceremony where families set up a table with food to honor their ancestors and show respect.