
  1. 2. develops programs and certification for the insurance industry in Canada
  2. 4. the national body of Canada’s organized brokers
  3. 6. this organization carries out activities on behalf of insurance regulatory authorities across Canada.
  4. 7. the ability to provide a full range of insurance protection to clients
  5. 10. this services arm of IBC helps detect and prevent insurance-related auto fraud
  6. 14. claims problems that are not resolved can ultimately be referred to this service
  7. 15. a payment method where payment of the premium is looked after by the insurer (2)
  8. 17. someone employed by an insurer or government regulator who is available to help resolve claims complaints.
  1. 1. an association where all high-risk drivers could be underwritten in a common pool
  2. 3. represents the collective interests of independent adjusters
  3. 5. an organization that would test materials to ensure they will do what they say they will
  4. 8. this assiciation focuses on improving the efficiency of the broker distribution channel
  5. 9. a type of CIP designation
  6. 11. a method of collecting customer satisfaction information from clients who have a claims settlement
  7. 12. this association stays on top of insurance issues of strategic importance to the industry
  8. 13. an organization of insurance company claims managers that promotes a high standard of ethics in the handling of claims
  9. 16. an industry initiative to reduce the human and financial cost of natural disasters